Saturday, July 12, 2014

Don't strive to be better than others; 
strive to be better than your best self.

 I read this quote earlier today and it's something that I really need to remember and work on. I am currently taking an..alternative route through getting my degree and working on securing a career in software development, and compared to others who took a traditional route, if I were to sit here and compare myself to them, I would easily get bummed out and get anxious and think that I'm going to fail miserably. But in reality, that's not going to happen, as long as I continue to improve myself.

Friday, May 23, 2014

Bringing this out of hiatus...

Hey there! I stopped working on this blog many months ago, almost a year now, due to my mental illness and substance abuse. I am now in active recovery and actively working on various applications, and will now make a point out of updating this blog on a regular basis. I will focus on various programming concepts and how they apply to work I'm working on, with a sprinkle of motivation and self-help in there. Keep coming back, Matt M.